Honours and Awards

Our Cadets do great things and we want to recognize their great work.  Our Cadets are eligible for a number of our Squadron Awards and National Honours.

Below are some of the awards our Cadets may achieve and lists of past recipients.

Squadron Awards

Mr Corey Roberts Memorial Award

Formerly the Pathfinder Award, in recognition of the contributions of the earliest members of the 199 St Vital Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron.  The Mr Corey Roberts Memorial Award is awarded to the senior cadet (Sargent or above) who performs best in the three goals of the Air Cadet Movement: good citizenship and leadership; physical fitness; and interest in aviation. The recipient will be chosen from names recommended by staff and senior cadets to a panel consisting of the CO, Chair of the Sponsoring Committee and the Training Officer. 


Commanding Officers Academic Achievement Award

Awarded to the cadet who, during the current school year, achieves the highest academic standards (grade average) as judged by a review of the cadets' latest school transcripts. This award is to be applied for by the individual cadet.


Chairman's Trophy for Aviation Excellence

Awarded to the cadet who demonstrates the best performance and potential in the Aviation Training program, Ground School program, Scholarship entrance exams or general aviation training. The recommendation is to be passed by the Aviation Training Officer to the Chair of the Sponsoring Committee for review.


Top Cadet by Flight

Awarded to the cadet who, during the current school year, achieves the highest academic standards (grade average) as judged by a review of the cadets' latest school transcripts. This award is to be applied for by the individual cadet.

Hawk Flight






Flight Lieutenant Findlay Trophy

Awarded to the band member who, in the judgment of the Band Officer, demonstrates the highest level of attendance, dress, deportment and either overall musical ability or level of improvement thereof during the current cadet year.


Commander's Award - Recruit of the Year

Awarded to the recruit judged to best demonstrate the highest level of attendance, dress, deportment and learning among the first year cadets in the current training year. The recommendation of the Squadron Commander will be reviewed by the CO.


Sponsoring Committee Participation Award

Awarded to the cadet in any training level who shows the most effective level of participation in advancing the aims, goals and activities of the unit during the current cadet year. Recommendations will be passed from staff and the Parents' Committee to a panel made up of the CO, the Chair of the Sponsoring Committee and one parent not related to any of the candidates.


Outstanding Drill Award

Awarded to the cadet who achieves the highest degree of proficiency and perfection on the parade square during the current cadet year. The recommendation of the Training Officer and the Squadron Warrant Officer will be reviewed by the CO.


Top Junior NCO

Awarded to the Level 2 or 3 Cadet who best demonstrates the highest level of attendance, dress, deportment and professional advancement in the current training year. The recommendation of the Training Officer and the Sqn WO will be reviewed by the CO.


Winnipeg East AM Rotary Community Service Award

Awarded to the cadet whose service to the community demonstrates the highest degree of social awareness and responsibility and enhances the reputation of Air Cadets. Applications from individual cadets will be reviewed by a panel consisting of the CO, the Chair of the Sponsoring Committee and one other officer


Outstanding Marksman Award

Awarded to the cadet who achieves the best results during regular marksmanship training and, if applicable, during local, provincial or national competition. The recommendation of the Marksmanship Training Officer will be reviewed by the CO.


Phoenix Cup

Presented by the Training Officer to the Flight who performs above all others at our annual Rising Phoenix competition. Cadets are presented with, and assessed on, individual and group tasks in the areas of citizenship, aviation, physical fitness and various other topics within the Air Cadet Program. While the competition serves as an opportunity for the Cadets to make use of the knowledge and skills they have developed throughout the year, the Phoenix Cup would recognize the effort put forth by the Cadets.


National Awards

Lord Strathcona Medal

The Lord Strathcona Trust Fund Medal, most commonly referred to as the Lord Strathcona Medal is the highest award, which can be bestowed upon a cadet in recognition of exemplary performance in physical and military training.

Lord Strathcona’s objectives in establishing his endowment were to:

a. encourage the improvement of the physical and intellectual capabilities of cadets; and
b. foster patriotism in cadets through the acquisition of a good knowledge of military matters.


Royal Canadian Legion Cadet Medal of Excellence

The Royal Canadian Legion (RCL) Cadet Medal of Excellence is awarded in recognition for individual endeavours in citizenship that meet or enhance the aims and objectives of the cadet movement.


Air Force Association Medal 

The Air Force Association of Canada (AFAC) has established annual awards to be presented to Air cadets for excellence demonstrated on the Glider Pilot Scholarship (GPS) and the Power Pilot Scholarship (PPS).

One medal shall be awarded to the top cadet, male or female, on both the GPS and the PPS at each of the five Regional Gliding Schools; this means five medals for the GPS and five medals for the PPS for a total of ten medals each year

The following selection criteria shall be used to determine the medal recipients:

a. overall achievement on the course;
b. leadership qualities;
c. dress and deportment;
d. motivation; and
e. cooperation with others.


Glider & Power Pilot Training Course Graduates

Glider Pilot Training Course

These cadets have successfully completed the Air Cadet Glider Pilot Training Course (previously known as the Glider Pilot Scholarship Program) in accordance with CATO 54-26


Victoria Howe
Heather Shonoski

Matthew Bittner
Cameron Kessler

Janelle Normandeau

Curtis Shonoski

Carl Barnson
Joseph Darcel

Frédérick Pagé

Ho-Joon Lee

Adam Gislason
Juliana Papaioannou

Dominic Donato
Liam Lokstet


Shrinal Patel


Fang, Yuanzhe Frank

Telyatnikova, Alyona


Jean, Amélie Sydney

Power Pilot Training Course

These cadets have successfully completed the Air Cadet Power Pilot Training Course (previously known as the Power Pilot Scholarship Program) in accordance with CATO 54-27


Richard Gagnon

Brendan Ramsay
Curtis Shonoski


Joseph Darcel
Delroy Hiebert

Frédérick Pagé

Alexandre Darcel

Ho-Joon Lee


Adam Gislason
Seonghyun Park

Dominic Donato
Liam Lokstet

Juliana Papaioannou

Quinton Cheung

Logan Creran


Telyatnikova, Alyona